Dates 15th to 17th September, 2009.
Venue of the festival: Chilapata, Mendabari, Kodalbasti & Madarihat
Organized by:
Wildlife Circle (Coochbehar Division),
Department of Forests, Government of West Bengal
& Help Tourism
Supported by:
India Tourism Kolkata (Government of Tourism, Government of India), Mendabari Jungle Camp, Chilapata Jungle Camp, Association for Conservation & Tourism (ACT), Eastern Himalaya Travel & Tour Operators Association (EHTTOA), Society for Preservation & Awareness of Wildlife & Nature (SPAWN).
The festival was started in 2008 as Chilapata Ecofest on the same dates. Owing to impact of such festivals on the local people,specially the forest villagers in regard to conservation, the festival has been upgraded to Dooars Frog & Toad Festival involving the whole of the natural areas of Central Dooars.
With the change in the micro climate, the first change is seen in the localities close to the forests, mainly with birds and amphibians. Hence, this name 'Frog & Toad Festival', before we stop listening to their croaking, the loss monsoons that renew life and stop the migration of people who make the food for the world.